We are happy to announce some feature changes. We have updated the Reporting to include more filtering options and Multiple select drop-downs. We have also implemented Notification bubbles for Users.
Summary and Detail Reports updated Filtering options
We have applied the same filtering option that is located on the Calendar Report to the Summary Report and the Details Report. Please click HERE to learn more about the Summary Report.
The Detail Report looks very similar, but there is one additional Field that available for filtering called "Field Sections" Please click HERE to learn more about Detailed Reports.
Notification Bubbles
We have applied a new notification feature to the system. Multiple Notification bubbles have been set up for four different scenarios. Please Click HERE for additional information on this feature.
Ability to Delete Additional Charges on Requests
Users's will now have the ability to Delete Additional Charges on Requests before the Request is Invoiced.
Public Display UI Changes
We have updated the Public Display settings page and organized the settings. Please click HERE to learn more.
Public Calendar Update
You will notice on the Public Display settings page there is an additional section called "Public Calendar Filter Settings." We have implemented additional filtering options for Internal/External Users. Please click HERE to learn more.
Approve and Decline Requests from Email
The Awaiting your Approval emails will now have two options displayed above the Event information. You can select Approve or Decline directly from the email.
Please click HERE to learn more about Approving Requests.
Please click HERE to learn more about Declining Requests.
Require Payment Prior to Final Approval
District Admins now have the ability to require payment before the request is finalized. The feature is only available if you Invoice Automatically on Approval. Once the Request is approved by all Approvers, it will send out an invoice to the Requestor and the request status will change from Pending to "Awaiting Payment". Once the invoice is paid, the request will automatically change from "Awaiting Payment" to "Approved" and the Approval email will be sent to the requestor.
Subscribe to the Public Calendar
Once you have set your filters, you can subscribe to that specific Calendar.
1. Select the Subscribe option at the top right of the screen.
2. Copy the corresponding URL.
3. Select the Google Calendar, Outlook, or Mac iCalendar option.
Mass Cancel a Date Range
We made an update to the Mass Cancel Feature to allow District Admins to Cancel Multiple Dates at one time. We have also added a checkbox to disable emails from being sent out. Thank you for your feedback on this Feature!
If you have any questions on how to use these Features or implement them into your system, please feel free to enter a support ticket for further assistance. http://support.mlschedules.com/support/tickets/new
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