Ability to approve and decline recurring requests at the same time
When users are approving or declining from the View All Occurrences page, they can now decide if they want to approve/decline the remaining events if they were not all checked.
Reformat All Occurrences section for Recurring, Multiple, and Multi-Recurring Events
The All Occurences section has been updated when viewing the request details to include additional information. This can include certain dates being canceled and certain ones being approved.
Secure files in MLS behind file handler
We have made an update to add additional security behind MLS files.
Send Email Button
A new button has been added on the Request Details page and the View All Occurrences page. A user can select the Send Email Button to email the request details to a specific user(s). Please click HERE to learn more.
Manage Users page Update
A new update has been pushed to the Manage Users page. From this page, users can now export a list of users. In addition to this, they can search for users and roles. There are new filtering options listed at the top for filtering on permissions and roles. Please click HERE to learn more.
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