Welcome to our ML Schedules Back To School Guide! In this comprehensive resource, we have gathered some of the most common questions that people often have to begin the school year. We understand that the beginning of the school year can be overwhelming, so we have created this collection of FAQs to ensure that your ML Schedules system is ready to go for the start of the new year.
How do I send a Welcome Email to a user?
With another new school year approaching, there are going to be new staff members that you'll want to make sure have access to ML Schedules. In this case, sending a welcome email to that individual will provide them with a link to your program, with directions on how to sign in (create a password, whether it's Google or LDAP).
You can do this by going to Users > Manage Users, and then clicking the envelope icon next to the person's name you want to send the welcome email to.
For more information on managing users, visit our full article here.
What are the different roles that are available for a user? Can we create additional roles if needed?
Admin users to create their own custom roles within the system. Each role will contain a set of permissions to determine what aspects of the system a user can access and what they can do. To add a new role, please follow these steps:
Click Users > Manage Roles.
To add a new Role, click Action > Add Role. To edit an existing role, you can click the Pencil Icon next to the role you wish to edit.
Give the Role a name, and assign the necessary Permissions. The permissions are broken down as follows:
- Add Calendar Information: Any user with this Permission can Add Information to the Calendar
- Approve On Behalf of Others: Provide the User the ability to approve a Request on behalf of another approver
- Bypass Approval: This permission allows the User to bypass the approval process when submitting a Request.
- Bypass Blocked Dates: Can submit a Request even if there is a blocked date in place
- Bypass Min/Max Days: Allows the User to bypass the Days notice to Request and Cancel, and the Days In future allowed time frames
- Can Enter Events in the Past: Allows the user to submit requests for past dates
- Can Send Invoice: Allows the user to have the Send Invoice option
- Cancel Approved Events: User can Cancel events that are already Approved
- Double Book: Can submit a Request for a location that is already being used
- Edit Requests: User can make Edits to Requests inside the system
- Manage Blocked Dates: Can Add, Edit, and Delete Blocked Dates
- Mass Cancel: User can use the Mass Cancel feature and Cancel multiple events at once
- View All Requests: User can View All Requests, this does not include the Calendar Report
- View Financial Reports: Will have access to Financial related Reports
- View Reports: Will have access to a variety of Reports inside the system, including the Calendar Report
Once the role is built out as you see fit, click the Save button. You can repeat these steps for any other roles you're looking to build out.
For more information on managing roles, visit our full article here.
Let's say there's a new group that doesn't fit any of my district's existing classifications, can I create a new classification or even edit an existing one?
Classifications can be added or edited at any time within ML Schedules. Each classification will have it's own set of settings that will differentiate it from the next one. To create a new classification or edit an existing one, follow these steps:
Click Users > Manage Classifications to display the Manage Classifications screen.
Click the Add Classification button at the upper right of the screen.
Enter the name of the Classification along with a description of the type of groups included in the classification. Choose the correct settings from the drop-down menu that you would like groups associated with this classification to.
- Application Fee: If you charge an application fee for this classification you can enter the amount within this field.
- Bypass approval: Allows all groups within the classification to bypass the approval process throughout the entire system.
- Bypass min/max days: Allows all groups within the classification to bypass the minimum and maximum days notice set up throughout the entire system.
- Bypass blocked dates: Allows all groups within the classification to bypass the blocked dates set up throughout the entire system.
- Require insurance (flag): Typically, outside groups are required to upload insurance files and enter the expiration date of the certificate in order to submit a request. If a group does not upload its insurance information, they will be flagged and notified that the District requires an insurance file upload before making a request. This will still allow them to submit the request.
- Require insurance (block): Districts may not want to allow groups to submit facility requests at all if the required insurance documentation is not provided. If a district would like to block groups with missing or expired insurance information from submitting requests through the system, they can use this setting.
- Allow double booking: This will allow all groups within the Classification to still submit a request if another request is still "pending" and has not been officially approved for a certain facility, date and time.
- Agree to Estimated Cost: This setting allows districts to require Groups within specific Classifications to Agree to Estimated Costs before submitting their requests. This helps to eliminate any potential confusion regarding facility use costs that may be incurred for an event.
- Show Event Details: Selecting "Yes" will always show the Event Details on the public-facing calendar for each associated with this Classification. Selecting "No" will never display the Event Details on the public-facing calendar for each associated with this Classification. Selecting "Defer" will look at the next item listed on the Visibility Ranking to decide if it will Show or Hide the event details.
- Days Notice to Cancel: You have the ability to require a specific number of days notice to cancel a request. (Most common setting here is 2-3 days notice).
- Days Notice to Request: You have the ability to require a specific number of days notice to book events. (Common number of days are 7 or 14 days notice).
- Days Notice to Edit: You have the ability to set a number of days that allows a Group User to Edit their Request. Once the Request has been edited, the approval process will restart.
- Days in Future Allowed: This is where you would set how far out into the future you are going to allow requests to be submitted (Most common settings here are 180 or 365 days into the future) You can also set a specific Date here, but if you do this, you must remember to continue updating it.
Note: An email will be sent to all users with the Manage District Settings permission if the current date falls within 30 days of the Days in future allowed date. This will remind the users to update this setting so requests can be submitted.
- Past Due Invoice Requests:
- Allow: This option will allow Groups in this Classification to Submit Requests even if they have Past Due Invoices.
- Block: This allows you to block a certain Classification from submitting Requests if they have a Past Due Invoice.
- Flag: This will Flag the Group if they have Past Due Invoices. However, they will still be able to submit Requests.
- Can Submit a Request for Multiple Sites:
- Yes: This allows Groups in this Classification to submit a request for multiple sites.
- No: This does not allow Groups in this Classification to submit a request for multiple sites. It will only allow them to enter a request for one site at a time.
- Send Custom Contract PDF as Attachment on Approval :
- Yes: Selecting Yes will enable a contract to be sent as an attachment on Approval for All requests under this Classification.
- No: Selecting No will prevent any contracts from being sent out to this Classification.
- Manual: Selecting Manual will enable users to send the contract via the Request Details page. However, these will not be sent automatically.
Once you're done, click the Save button at the bottom. Repeat steps 1-5 for each new classification that needs to be added or edited.
For more information on managing Classifications, visit our full article here.
Once a group is approved in ML Schedules, can I update the group managers?
In ML Schedules, Group Managers and District Admin have the ability to add Additional Managers to a Group. These Managers will be allowed to submit requests for the Group and can also be given additional permissions. Note: There are two options. You can create a new user account, or add an existing user as a manager. To add a new user, follow these steps:
Click Users > Manage Groups.
Click the Pencil Icon next to the Group name.
Click the Add Group Manager button within the Group Managers section.
Click the New User Radio Button.
Enter the Email Address, First Name, Last Name, and Phone number for the additional Group Manager. You can also give the new Manager additional permissions as outlined below:
- Primary Group Manager: The Primary Manager is a way to indicate the primary person in charge of the Group. The Primary Manager cannot be deleted from the Group.
- Edit Group Info: This allows the Manager to edit Group information such as the name, address, and phone number.
- Edit Insurance: This allows the Manager to edit the Group insurance file.
- Edit Additional Files: This allows the Manager to edit the additional files for the Group.
- Edit Contacts: This allows the Manager to edit the additional contacts for the Group. These additional Contacts simply receive email notifications regarding the Group's approved and canceled requests, but does not allow them to enter requests for the Group.
- Edit Managers: This allows the Manager to edit and add other Group Managers.
- Receive Invoices: Selecting the "All Requests" option will send the Manager emails regarding all requests for the Group, regardless if they were the user that submitted the request. Selecting the "Only My Requests" option will only send the user invoices regarding the requests that they have submitted themselves. Selecting the "No" option will not send the user any invoices.
- Receive Emails: Selecting the "All Requests" option will send the Manager invoices regarding all requests for the Group, regardless if they were the user that submitted the request. Selecting the "Only My Requests" option will only send the user emails regarding the requests that they have submitted themselves.
Click the Save Manager button. An email will then be sent to the new Group Manager alerting them that they have been added as a Manager for the Group.
To add an existing user as a new group manager, follow the same steps but starting by clicking the Existing User, and then following the same steps listed.
For more information on group manager updates, visit our full article here.
Is there a way to adjust fields included on our request forms prior to the new school year?
As an admin of ML Schedules, you can update the fields included on your district's request forms at any time. Before the school year starts, it would be a huge benefit for your district to look over your fields and make sure that they're all set up before the influx of requests to start out the school year. To manage these fields, you can follow these steps:
Click Admin > Manage Fields from the left-side toolbar. The Manage Fields screen will be displayed.
Click the Add Field button in the upper right of the Manage Fields screen.
Click the Section of the Request form from the drop-down menu in which the custom field will appear:
- Additional Information
- Equipment
- Personnel
- Doors to be opened
Choose the Type of field to be created. Options include:
- Number (Requires the user to enter a number)
- Text (This shows an empty text field)
- Yes/No (This shows a yes or no dropdown with a notes section)
- Yes/No with Required Notes (This shows a yes or no dropdown and if the user selects yes then they will be required to enter additional information in the notes section)
- Multi Select Dropdown (This provides the user with a multiple choice dropdown and allows them to select multiple items)
- Single Select Dropdown (This provides the user with a multiple choice dropdown and allows them to only select one option)
Enter a Field Name based on the field Type selected in step 5 as shown below:
- For a Number field, name the field “# of _______”. (i.e. # of tables needed)
- For a Text field, be specific in the field name to ensure you receive the correct information as this field is an open-ended (i.e., free text) response.
- For a Yes/No field, make sure the Field name is stated as a question that can only be answered with yes or no responses.
- For a Yes/No with Required Notes field, make sure the field name defines the information that should be entered in the Required Note, if Yes is selected. For example: Do you need doors unlocked? (If so, enter the desired time).
- For the single select dropdown and multi select dropdown options, you will be able to create options within the dropdown menus. Please note that you must select the Save & Continue Editing button at the bottom of the page before you are able to add the options.
Select whether the custom field is Required.
Choose Yes if this field must be completed by the requestor to submit an online Facility Use Request at your district.
Select if only admins can fill out this Field. Note: If selected to YES this Field will only display to Users with the Edit Requests permission.
Enter a Budget code if applicable. Note: This will appear on the invoice.
If applicable, enter the Fee information for the custom Field.
For more information on managing fields, visit our full article here.
How do I instruct a user to submit a new request in the system?
With an influx of new users at the district, there will be staff members that may have some questions on how to submit a request once they're in the system. Use these steps to walk them through the process!
To begin the request process, you can either select the event date on the Calendar or select the New Request option at the top right. Note: The date will automatically be filled out if you select a date on the Calendar.
Click Add Event.
If you have more than one Group under your account, select the appropriate Group.
Select the Site (Building) you wish to have your request
Select the Space(s). You are able to select multiple spaces within this drop-down.
Select the event Frequency from the drop-down menu. The options are as follows:
- Daily
- One Time Event
- Daily Weekdays Only
- Weekly
- Every other week
- Multiple Days per week
- Monthly
- Custom Frequency (This option allows you to select random dates on a calendar)
Note: Any required fields will have a red asterisk next to them.
Click the View Availability button.
Selecting the View Availability button will show you all of the dates and spaces that were requested and if those dates are available. Dates that are not available will show in red text. You can either select the X button to remove a date or adjust the date, start time, or end time. As you make those adjustments, the system will automatically check the availability. Once you are ready to continue with the Dates listed, select the Continue Option.
Once you select continue, you will be brought to the Request form to complete your request.
Enter an event name as well as any additional information such as equipment or personnel needed for the event. Note: Any required fields will have a red asterisk next to them. The red asterisk will also appear on the section titles to signify a required field in that section.
At the bottom of the page, you will need to check off that you have read and agree to the school's policies, and you may be required to sign for the request electronically.
Select Confirm & Submit Request Note: Outside Groups may need to agree to estimated costs before finalizing the request.
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