We are happy to announce we have included outside events from athletic integrations into our iCals. We have also made some additional updates, such as adding all of the dates in the Approved, Declined, and Awaiting approval emails. Please review the following release notes, and let us know if you have any questions!
Add All Dates to Emails
Currently, only the additionally notified emails included all of the listed dates. We have added this to Approved, Declined, and Awaiting Approval emails. This will make it easier for a space approver approving requests via email.
External Event Information on our iCal Feeds
For our customers with athletic integrations, our iCal feed now includes the event information that is saved on your athletic scheduling software
Add Default Calendar settings Based Upon Event Types
Users have the ability to decide if they would like the event types to appear on the calendar or if they need to be hidden. Please click HERE to learn more.
Allow Groups to Edit Their Own Requests
There is a new classification setting that is the number of days a Group user is allowed to enter their Requests. If the Group edits an approved Request the approval process will be restarted for the space approvers to fully review the new information. Please click HERE to learn more.
Blocked Dates Filter on the Calendar
We received feedback on blocked dates congesting the calendar. There is now an option to hide Blocked Dates from the Calendar.
Ability to Delete/Inactivate Buildings
District Admins can now delete buildings if there are no Requests associated with the building. They can also make a building inactive from the Manage Sites page rather than the edit page. Please click HERE to learn more.
Ability to Delete/Inactivate Spaces
District Admins can now delete spaces if there are no Requests associated with the space. They can also make a space inactive from the Manage Spaces page rather than the edit page. Please click HERE to learn more.
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