ML Schedules allows admins to set up the system to do manual invoicing instead of automatically on approval. With this option, districts can set the deposit amount at the invoice level and send it out when ready.
Setting up this feature
1. Go to Users > Manage Classifications
2. Select Deposit Type
3. Choose Manual
4. Click Save at the bottom of the page
Utilizing this feature
1. Go to Invoices > Draft Invoices (We recommend using draft since these have NOT been sent to the end-user yet)
2. Click the magnifying glass () on the invoice to which you must add a deposit.
3. Click the Edit Invoice Button
4. Fill out the information
Due Date: Choose a due date of the deposit
Manual Deposit Amount: Choose the amount of the deposit associated with this invoice
Invoice Message: Enter a custom message that will display on the invoice for the end-user to view.
5. Click Save Invoice
Once this has been completed, if you use PayPal, that deposit amount will automatically be listed. In addition, once someone receives a manual payment and chooses the type of deposit, we will calculate that total automatically based on the amount entered.
Note: PayPal is the only integration currently that works with deposits.
Once a deposit has been received, any following payment cannot use the payment type deposit. Upon receiving a deposit, you can edit an invoice again to change the due date.
Sending the Invoice
1. Go to the Invoice
2. Click Actons > Send Email
3. Choose who the invoice needs to go to
Note: If a billing office user is listed for the location, their email will automatically be displayed here.
4. Click Send Email
Example Email with Manual Deposit
Note: The deposit amount due and the due take will automatically display what the invoicer selected. Upon receiving a payment, you can remove the deposit amount and edit the due date for the remaining payment.
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