ML Schedules™ Software district users who have the ability to Send Invoices will have access to the Invoices menu.
My Invoices - This page will show all invoices created for the group(s) that you manage yourself.
Note: This page will only display Active Invoices.
Open Invoices - This page will show all invoices in the system that have not yet been paid in full.
Past Due Invoices - This page will show all invoices that have not been paid in full and are past due.
Paid Invoices - This page will show all invoices that have been paid in full.
Voided Invoices - This page will show all invoices that have been voided.
Draft Invoices - This page will show all invoices that are still in a draft status (not yet sent).
All Invoices - This page will show all invoices within the system.
Bulk Invoicing - This page will show all approved, pending, or on hold requests in the system that have not yet been invoiced. This page allows you to mass invoice these requests for a given time period.
Invoicing Setup - This page will display all the invoice settings.
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