ML Schedules™ Software district users who are assigned the District Admin role have the ability to modify and update the district's Invoicing settings.
To access the Invoicing Setup settings:
1. Select Settings > Invoicing Setup from the left menu.
The Invoicing Setup page will be displayed.
2. Complete the following Fields:
Note: There will be tooltip icons () for the core settings with additional details on what that setting accomplishes.
Event Invoicing: You have the option to send invoices Automatically upon approval or Manually after the event.
Automatically On Approval: If this option is chosen, an invoice is sent automatically as soon as the event is approved.
Manually After Event: If this option is chosen, an Invoice must be manually sent.
Send invoice to Billing Office User Only: This can be used if users want to use their own financial system to invoice
Auto Send Invoice: This can be enabled to send invoices automatically based on the frequency chosen below.
Automatic Invoicing Frequency: Select one of the following Frequencies below.
Require Payment Before Approval: Decide if you would like to receive a payment before the request can be approved.
# Days Invoice Due: This field is where you would indicate how many days out you want the invoice to list the due date for.
From Invoice Sent Date: If this option is chosen, the invoices are due based on when the invoice is sent.
Before First Event Date: If this option is chosen, the invoices are due based on the first event date listed on the invoice.
Send Overdue Invoice Email: Every Friday, the system will check for Invoices that are past due by the number of days here. An email will automatically be sent to group managers about the past due invoice. If blank, emails will not go out.
Application Fee: If your district has application fees, you can set them up to be applied On Approval. This will automatically send the group an invoice for the application fee once the request is approved.
Show Budget Code on Invoices: Selecting this to Yes will show budget codes on invoices if they are enabled under your spaces and fields.
Note: This will only apply to invoices that are generated going forward.
Require Budget Codes on Spaces: Having this set to yes will force a budget code when editing or adding a space.
Require Budget Codes on Fields: Having this set to yes will force a budget code when editing or adding a field.
Require Budget Codes on Additional Charges: Having this set to yes will force a budget code when editing or adding a additional charge.
Remit To: Enter the address that you would like payments to be sent to.
Additional Fee Information: Enter text here to provide information about how fees will vary based on Classification. Group Managers can view the Classifications text by selecting the details icon next to the Estimated Cost field, and Equipment and Personnel field headers. Note that this is an information-only field: classification codes cannot be associated with a specific Group using ML Schedules™ Software at this time.
Invoice E-mail Text: Users with the District Admin role have the ability to add custom text to the invoice email that is sent to requestors. This custom text appears on all invoice emails generated by the system, whether automatically or manually invoiced. The text appears directly above the line itemized invoice area of the email.
Email Address to be CC’ed on Estimates: User(s) emails can be listed here separated by a comma for anyone that needs to receive a copy of an estimate that is sent out through ML Schedules.
Budget Code Notes on Request Details Page: This note will display on the request details page under the Budget Code Notes.
Move Invoices to Open when printed: If this is set to NO when printing a draft invoice, it will stay in Draft instead of moving to Open.
If you would like to see a video on these settings, please click here:
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