ML Schedules™ allows District Admin, Space Approvers and users with Permission to Edit Requests, to respond to Recurring requests at the same time, including mass Approve, Decline, Put on Hold, Cancel and/or Edit requests.
To respond to Recurring requests at the same time after logging into ML Schedules™ Software:
1. Select View > View All Requests from the Left-side toolbar.
2. Select the view icon () next to one occurrence of the Recurring request in the Manage Request screen.
The Request Information page for the selected request will be displayed.
(Note: The All Occurrence Dates field under the Event Information section, will give you a quick look at all desired dates before managing the request through the View All Occurrences button).
3. Select the View All Occurrences button at the top right of the screen.
A list of all the Recurring Request occurrences will be displayed.
4. Either check the Select All command at the upper left of the screen or select individual event check boxes for those occurrences that you want to edit.
5. Select the Edit button at the top right.
6. You will be brought to the Edit screen where you will have the ability to edit the Site Name, Space Name, Event Time, Event Name, Dates, Fields, Add Additional Charges, Add Internal and/or External Notes and Fees.
7. When editing, you will need to check off the field you want to edit by clicking the checkboxes. For example, if I want to edit the breakdown and end time, those specific fields need to be checked.
Note: When editing a recurring request you can add attachments 1-6 to multiple requests at once.
8. Once you click Save, the system will check for conflicts. If there is a conflict, you will need to click the checkbox to proceed with the changes (Only users with Double-Booking) will see the checkbox.
9. Once you have made all necessary changes, you can select who you would like to notify of the change(s) (Space Approvers, Additionally Notified users, Requestor) and select the “Save” button.
NOTE: If you do not want to notify anyone, do not select any of the notify checkboxes.
Note: If you choose "Save and Recalculate Fees" it will be applied to the whole request. Not just the fields selected.
If a modification was made and you choose to notify someone - Those changes are highlighted via email.
10. If you modified any information that would change fees charged for these events, you can check the “Save & Recalculate Fees” checkbox. This will save the event details and recalculate any fees associated with these events.
IMPORTANT: If you would like to override any automatically calculated fees and add your own custom fees to these events, enter in the custom fees in the appropriate Fields, but do not check off the Save and Recalculate Fees Checkbox.
While editing an event it will check for conflicts. If there is a conflict, users with the Double Booking permission will be able to over-ride the change and create a conflict.
Users with the Double Booking permission will need to select the checkbox before clicking Save at the bottom of the page, or the change will not go through.
Delete Attachments
District Admins can now remove unwanted attachments from requests.
1. Click on the request.
2. Select the Files Tab
3. Select "Remove File"
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