The Allow Double Booking on Pending Requests feature allows multiple requests to be submitted for the same date/time/location while in the pending approval status. This gives district staff members the ability to choose which group is given the requested time slot and facility.
Important: Your district must use Classifications to use this feature. Only District Admins can enable this feature.
Setup the Allow Double Booking on Pending Requests Feature
To setup the Allow Double Booking on Pending Requests feature, while logged into the software as a District Admin:
1. Select the Users Manage Classifications command from the black toolbar to display the Manage Classifications screen.
Note: This procedure assumes Classifications are enabled and setup at your district. For more information, see Setup District Classifications.
2. Select the Edit icon () next to the Classification for which the Allow Double Booking on Pending Requests feature is being enabled.
3. Choose Yes from the Allow Double Booking field drop-down menu.
4. Select the Save button to save your changes. The Manage Classifications screen will be displayed.
5. Repeat steps 2 – 4 for each Classification for which this feature should be enabled.
The selected Classifications will now be able to submit requests during dates/times that facilities have no requests, as well as requests that are still pending approval.
Manage Request Conflicts
To manage any request conflicts, while logged into the software as a District Admin, Space Approver, or User with permission to Approve on behalf of others:
1. Select View > Future Conflicts from the left-side navigation menu.
A red exclamation point will be displayed next to any requests that conflict with another request.
2. Select the Request Conflict icon () to view all competing requests for the same space at the same or overlapping time and date.
3. Select the checkbox next to the request you want to manage.
4. Select the Actions Button > Choose updated status to manage the conflict. This can be canceled or declined.
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