ML Schedules™ Manage Groups page allows District Admin and Group Classification Managers to view and manage all Groups within the system.
From the Manage My Groups page you can do the following:
1. Approve/Decline Requested Classifications.
2. Search for Group information (Insurance Information, Classification, etc.)
3. Sort and Filter Groups based on selected criteria.
4. Adjust the Group information you would like displayed.
5. Merge Groups
To access the Manage Groups page while logged into the software:
1. Select Users > Manage Groups.
Search for Groups
1. Enter either the Group Name or the User's Name in the search field provided at the top of the screen.
1. Select the three vertical dots within the column to display a search box.
2. Check off the items you would like to search on and select the Filter button.
Sort Groups
1. Select the column header to sort all Groups based on that specific column.
Note: The column will be highlighted in blue when it is being sorted on.
Filter Groups
1. Select the three vertical dots within any header to filter further.
A menu will be displayed that allows you to filter specific selections within the selected column.
2. Select the checkbox next to each item you would like to filter on and then select the Filter button.
Adjust Displayed Columns
1. Select the three vertical dots on any column.
2. Select the Columns section to display available columns.
3. Check off the column names you would like displayed on this page.
For example, if you wanted to add an email address column to the page, you would have this as an additional option.
Note: The group creation date is now a selectable column for viewing. As well as group files, this allows admins to easily see files groups have uploaded to their profile (This excludes insurance as this is a separate column already)
Manage Group Classification Icon Meanings: Block/Unblock a Group
: Approve/Decline/Edit Group Information
: Merge Groups
: Delete Group
: Send Welcome Email with Password Reset Link
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