Requesters can cancel or edit requests they have made, regardless of the events’ status (i.e., pending, on hold or approved), as long as it is within the 'days notice required' set by the district.
To cancel a Request from within ML Schedules™ software:
1. Select View > My Requests from the Left-side toolbar to display a summary of all Requests made for your Group.
2. Select the Cancel icon () to the right of the Request you want to cancel. A pop-up window confirming the cancellation request will be displayed.
Note: If the Cancel icon does not appear next to the Event name, it is under the District-defined number of days advance notice required to cancel a Request. View the District’s Terms and Conditions for more information about its particular policy.
3. Select the OK button in the pop-up window to confirm the cancellation. The selected Group’s Request summary page will be displayed without the canceled event.
Note: You can also cancel a Request by selecting the red Cancel Request button from the bottom of the Request Details page, accessed by selecting the Details () icon in the Request Summary screen.
Note: Emails should go to the following users when an end-user cancels their own event.
Status Pending:
- All Space Approvers
Status Approved:
- Billing Office
- Notify on Space
- Notify on Request
- Notify on Field
- Group Contacts
- Group Managers set to receive All Emails
- Users who clicked Cancel
- Requestor
Related Procedure:
Cancel a Request as either a District Admin or user with permission to Cancel Requests.
To edit a Request from within ML Schedules™ software:
1. Select View > My Requests from the Left-side toolbar to display a summary of all Requests made for your Group.
2. Select the Details () icon to the right of the Request you want to edit. The request details page will now open.
3. Select the EDIT button in the top right to edit details of your request, and make the desired changes. The selected changes to the Request details will be displayed. If your request is in the Approved status, it will need re-approval from the district before your event is approved again.
Note: If the Edit icon does not appear next to the Actions menu, it is under the District-defined number of days advance notice required to edit a Request. View the District’s Terms and Conditions for more information about its particular policy.
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