The ML Schedules™ and Google Calendar integration allows you to display ML Schedules™ events on your districts Google Calendars and vice versa.
This integration is set up on a per Space basis. Meaning, individual Google Calendars will need to be set up for all Spaces you have in ML Schedules™ that you want to integrate.
Example: A unique Google Calendar will need to be set up specifically for the HS Auditorium. It can not be set up for the High School in general, it will need to be for a specific Space.
Note: On the Google Calendar side you will only want to grant access to these Google Calendars to internal staff members who do not require approval (since entering events in Google allows users to bypass the approval process in ML Schedules™.) If a user requires approval, you will want them to enter their event directly through ML Schedules™, so that it goes through the necessary approval process.
It is also worth noting the events will not show up on the calendar until the nightly sync. However, we do pull in the event right away on the back-end to prevent double bookings. However, the event will not be on the calendar until the following day.
To set up the ML Schedules™ Software integration with Google Calendar:
1. From Google Calendar select the “Add Other Calendars” command.
2. Select the New Calendar option.
3. Name the calendar to match the Space you are integrating it with in ML Schedules™ Software. (Note: You do not have to enter any information in the Description sections).
4. Select Create Calendar.
5. Select the Calendar name, once it is displayed to the left under "Settings for my calendar".
6. Find the “Share with Specific People” section at the bottom of the page and select Add People.
7. Enter the following email address: and change the permissions to Make Changes to Events.
8. Select Send.
Share and allow permissions to “Make changes to events” with all staff members who will be entering events on this calendar without going through approval.
9. From the Calendar settings, scroll down to Integrate Calendar section.
10. Copy the displayed Calendar ID.
11. Login to ML Schedules™ and select Locations > Manage Spaces.
12. Find the Space from the list of displayed ML Schedules Spaces™ and click the Edit icon
13. Enter the copied Calendar ID in the Google Calendar ID field.
14. Select the Save button.
15. Repeat steps 1 - 14 for all Spaces you would like to integrate.
Note: If you remove the Google Calendar ID and save the space, all Google reservations regarding this specific Calendar ID will be removed from the system.
You can test the connection by typing in your domain/GCalTest.aspx
Understanding Your Results
MLS Reads from Google: Means events in Google can be read by ML Schedules and will thus be displayed in ML Schedules.
MLS Writes to Google: Means events from ML Schedules can be written to Google and will thus be displayed in Google Calendar.
What should you do if you receive a status of "FAIL"?
1. If MLS Reads from Google has failed, this means that the Google Calendar ID listed is incorrect or does not exists.
Important: You will want to double check your Space Settings in ML Schedules, where you have listed the Google Calendar ID for that specific Space. Making sure it has been typed or pasted correctly, with no additional spaces at the beginning or end of the ID.
2. MLS Writes to Google has failed this means, that the Google Calendar Sharing Settings, have been set incorrectly or not configured.
Important: You will want to check your Google Calendar Sharing permissions to ensure you have allowed the permissions to Make Changes to Events.
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