Edit an existing Invoice
If you would like to modify an invoice, this will need to be done from the Invoice itself. Adjusting the request details after an invoice has been sent will NOT be reflected on the existing Invoice.,
1. Select Invoices > Open Invoices
2. Use the search box to search on the Invoice you would like to edit.
3. Select the View icon () next to the Invoice you want to edit.
4. Select the Edit icon () next to the line item you want to adjust. Select the Delete (
) icon next to any items you want to remove from the Invoice. This includes if you need to Edit a Payment or Delete a Payment.
Note: If you click on the Group name when viewing the invoice, it will provide all of their details including their classification.
Invoice Buttons:
1. Edit Invoice Allows the Due Date to be adjusted. It also allows an invoice message to be sent with the Invoice.
2. Add Request (Actions > Add Request) - Allows other requests from the Group to be added to the Invoice.
Note: Check off the events on the right-hand side and click Add to Invoice. This page is going to display other invoiceable events for this Group.
You can also click the checkmark at the top right to include events with no costs.
3. Add Additional Charge (Actions > Add Additional Charge) - Allows additional charges to be added to the Invoice.
Note: The rate has a character limit of eight.
4. Receive Payment (Actions > Receive Payment) - Receive a payment for the Invoice
5. Print (Actions > Print) - Allows the Invoice to be printed
6. Send Email (Actions > Send Email) - Resend the Invoice. Selecting this will display a model so you can choose who to send the invoice to. By default, it's going to be based on the group managers (along with their email to help differentiate users with multiple accounts). But you can include anyone in the system.
7. Void (Actions > Void) - Voids the Invoice. This will automatically send an email to the requestor, notifying them that the Invoice that had been sent to them has been voided, and the balance will show $0.00 due
Note: When an invoice is voided all costs will be set to 0 - Including application fees and additional charges
8. Delete (Actions > Delete) - Will delete the Invoice from the system. This option will only appear if the user has the "Can Send Invoice" permission.
Refunding on an Invoice.
1. Select Invoices > View All Invoices
2. Select the View icon () next to the Invoice that you would like to add a refund to
3. Select Actions > Refund
4. Fill out the information in the Modal
The Refund will now be listed on the Invoice.
If you would like to review a video tutorial on editing and refunding, please click here:
Deleting an Invoice
Note: In order to delete an invoice, you will need the "Can Send Invoice" permission. There can also be no payments on the Invoice.
1. Select Invoices > View All Invoices.
2. Use the search box to help you locate the Invoice you want to delete.
3. Select the View Icon () next to the Invoice that you would like to delete
4. Click Actions > Delete on the invoice.
5. Click the YES to acknowledge you're deleting an Invoice.
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