Video Tutorial: Create a Site (Building)
ML Schedules™ Software Admin Tools: Manage Sites from MasterLibrary.Com, LLC on Vimeo.
ML Schedules™ Software district users who are assigned the District Admin role can add a new Site or edit an existing Site at any time.
There are four procedures covered in this post:
1. Add a new Site
2. Editing Existing Site Settings
3. Inactivating a Site
4. Deleting a Site
Add a new Site (Building)
1. Select Locations > Manage Sites from the left-side navigation menu. The Manage My Sites screen will be displayed.
Note: There will be no entries the first time you access this screen unless you have imported sites, spaces, and approval paths.
2. Select Actions > Add Site at the top right.
The Manage Site module will be displayed (shown below) with the following major sections, each of which is explained in detail later in this procedure:
- Basic Site information (e.g., site name, address, phone)
3. Complete the General information fields about the new site:
- Name
- Abbreviation for Site Name
- Address
- City
- State
- Zip
- Primary phone no.
Note: Some settings will have additional details that can be viewed by clicking the () icon
Please note steps 5 - 12 are optional Site level permissions and can be completed on the Space level instead if preferred.
4. Click Next.
5. Complete the information on the Approvals/Notifications tab. The Default Approval Paths fields if all Requests go through the same approval order, regardless of the Group who submitted the request. If the approval is based on the Classification of the Group who entered the Request, you can use the Classification Approval Fields to determine the approval path.
Note: The default path(s) entered can be overridden by a Space-specific approval paths through the Manage Spaces section. Please click HERE to learn more about Approval Paths. If an approval path is updated, all pending requests at the following location will be updated to the new approval path.
Note: Under Approval Path By Classification, there is an option for Approval to not be Required. The setting will allow this specific Classification to bypass the Approval Process for the Space listed. In order to use this method, please create an approval path with no steps listed. Click the link above to learn more.
6. Select the Billing Office staff that is responsible for Facility Usage fee invoices and management for this Site.
Note: Multiple users can be selected under the Billing Office User
7. Enter any users that you would like to be notified via email of Approved Requests for this Site.
If you to mass update additionally notified users via the site - Click HERE.
8. Click Next.
9. Fill out the information on the Display Tab.
10. Enter the text and background colors for the site as it will appear in the List View that can be embedded in your district’s website. E.g., Entering white text on a blue background will define how all events related to this site will be displayed in the List View.
11. Choose if you want this site to be displayed in your gallery view. Select the image for this building before saving.
12. Select the Group Classifications that can submit Facility Requests for this site.
13. Select the Save button to save the new Site information. The Manage My Sites screen will be displayed with the name of the site just entered.
Once the Site is created, you can either create another Site by repeating steps 2 – 9 of this procedure or create spaces associated with the new Site.
Edit an Existing Site
Use this District Admin procedure to edit the settings associated with an existing district site (building).
1. Select Locations > Manage Sites from the left-side navigation menu. The Manage My Sites screen will be displayed.
2. Select the Edit () icon next to the name of the site to be edited.
The Manage Site screen will be displayed for the selected site where all fields can be changed.
Important: Be sure to select the Save button at the bottom of the screen to save all changes.
Making a Site Inactive
District Admins have the ability to make any Site inactive. This action will prevent the site from being Requested or not used.
1. Select Locations Manage Sites from the left-side navigation menu. The Manage My Sites screen will be displayed.
2. Select the Red Minus icon () next to one of the sites.
3. Select Yes on the following prompt
Deleting a Site
District Admins have the ability to Delete a Site if there are no Requests associated with it.
1. Select Locations > Manage Sites from the left-side navigation menu. The Manage My Sites screen will be displayed.
2. Select the trash icon () next to one of the Sites
3. Select Yes on the following prompt
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