Anyone who has the "View All Request" permission associated with their role will have access to this page. By default, this page will populate requests from 7 days ago and 30 days in the future.
From there, you can adjust the date range yourself, and you can view everything as well if needed.
Utilizing the Page
1. Go to View > View All Requests
2. The page will automatically populate requests from 7 days ago and 30 days in the future from the current date.
3. Adjust the date range via Calendar if you need a different time frame
4. Once you have a new range selected, click the View Button ""
5. You can still search any Request ID in the system, and it will look past your specific date range.
6. You can also do the following under the action menu:
1. View Upcoming Events
2. Print
3. See anything waiting for your approval.
Note: If you clear the Date and click "View" it will still load everything in the system.
Note 2: The page will save your last view, so the next time you visit the page, you will leave right where you left off.
Additional Sorting and Filtering Options
Sort Requests
1. Select the column header to sort all requests based on that specific column.
Note: The column will be highlighted in dark gray when it is being sorted on.
Group Requests
1. Select the three vertical dots within the column header you want to Group the requests by
2. Select Group Requests
The requests will then be Grouped by the selections within that column.
Filter Requests
1. By selecting the three vertical dots within the header each column can be filtered further.
A menu will be displayed that allows you to filter on specific selections within the selected column.
2. Select the checkbox next to each item you would like to filter on and then select the Filter button at the bottom of the menu.
Adjust Displayed Columns
1. Select the three vertical dots on any column.
2. Check of the column names you would like displayed on this page.
For example, if you wanted to add a paid column to the page you will have this as an additional option.
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