ML Schedules™ K12 Facility Request Software allows users to enter and edit requests down to one minute increments.
For example: You may have an event that starts at 9:12 am, 2:35 pm or 5:32 pm, etc.
Editing requests down to one minute increments can be done on the following request types:
- By Specific Date and Time
- By Specific Space (Calendar View)
- Multiple Spaces at the same time
- Recurring Events
Procedure for editing the time on a submitted request:
1. Find the Request you wish to Edit (through Search for Request, View All Requests page or Reports.)
2. Once you locate the event select the magnifying glass () next to the event to display the Request Information page (if you used the Manage Request page or Search for a Request page).
3. From the Request Information page, select the Edit button.
4. Find the Time field in the Event Information section of the form.
5. Click directly into the time box and type in the exact Time you need for the Setup Start, Event Start, Event End, Breakdown End.
NOTE: Make sure to keep the time in the correct format (ex: 09:12 am).
6. Select Save.
7. Choose who you want to notify:
- Notify Approve Users
- Notify Additionally Notify Users
- Notify Group Contacts
- Notify Requestor
8. Select Save.
Watch this short video to learn how to Edit Requests in one minute increments.
Editing Requests down to one minute increments from MasterLibrary.Com, LLC on Vimeo.
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