ML Schedules™ K12 Facility Request Software has implemented many important Report types for school districts including:
1. Revenue to search for all revenue from upcoming, booked and/or past events
2. Summary for an overview of all requested events
3. Detail for an itemized list of all event details
4. Space Rate Report for a report of rates per class by space
5. Calendar for a report that follows the ML Schedules™ calendar view, and
6. One Page Per Event that is designed for maintenance, AV and other event-support staff. This Tech Note describes each of these Report types and provides sample screens.
ML Schedules™ users have the following filters and commands available on all Report screens:
- Start and End Dates filter
- District (school district) filter
- Site filter
- Space filter
- Print command (including Save As PDF)
- Save as Excel file command
1. Revenue Reports
- Function: Displays the payments that have been received and the total amount of Revenue.
- Used By: Business office staff and district management for financial reporting.
2. Summary Reports
- Function: Displays basic event information including Site, Space, Group, Event Name, and Start and End Times (including Setup and Breakdown times).
- Used By: Admins, Business staff and facility managers for an overview of all booked events based on the applied filters.
3. Details Reports
- Function: Displays event details including data from all the district’s Facility Request form fields. Event details are displayed contiguously and sorted from newest to oldest event.
- Used By: Admins and facilities staff for details of all booked events based on the applied filters.
4. Space Rate Report
- Function: Displays rate (per hour or per event) for each group Classification sorted by each space. Also displays Default space cost per hour; this value is used for an estimated Request rate for Groups that have not yet been assigned a Classification.
- Used By: District admins to confirm rates entered during setup.
5. Calendar Reports
- Function: Displays event summary information in a calendar format by month (default), week or day.
- Used By: District admins, facilities staff and other district personnel that want to view a calendar view of events based on selected filters.
6. One-Event-Per-Page Reports
- Function: Displays all event details from approved Facility Request form.
- Used By: Facilities and technical staff that need to support each event.
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