ML Schedules™ K12 Facility Request Software allows District Admins to set up the number of days required to cancel events, the number of days required notice to request an event, and the number of days into the future that requests are able to be requested. You can find these settings in Users > Manage Classifications.
Here is how the District Admin would change the Min/Max Days to Request Events.
1. Select Users > Manage Classifications.
2. Select the pencil icon next to the corresponding Classification
3. Update the number of days required for:
a. Days Notice to Cancel
b. Days Notice to Request
c. Days in Future Allowed
4. These settings apply to ALL users requesting events that are in the Classification
If you would like to make an exception for Internal District Staff (or any other Classification), you can make the following changes.
1. Select Users > Manage Classifications.
2. Select the pencil icon next to the Internal District Staff Classification.
3. Change the field Bypass Min/Max Days Notice to "Yes" and Save.
This will give Internal District user the ability to Bypass any Min/Max dates that are set in the District Admin settings.
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