District Admins can locate the Public Display Settings by going to Admin > Settings on the left-side navigation menu. From there, select the Public Display Tab.
Event Display Settings.
- Embedded List View Color: Clicking into this field will allow you to adjust the color of the Listings on the Dated List View.
- Show Event Name: Select YES if you would like the Event Names to appear on the Calendar. Select No if you would like to hide the Event Name.
- Show Group Name: Select YES if you would like the Group names to appear on the Calendar. Select No if you would like to hide the Group Name.
- Show Site Name: Select YES if you would like the Site names to appear on the Calendar. Select No if you would like to hide the Site Name.
- Show Space Name: Select YES if you would like the Space names to appear on the Calendar. Select No if you would like to hide the Space Name.
- Allow Requesters to enter additional information: This setting enables a WYSIWYG Editor text box on the request form which allows the requestor to enter URLs, Links, or Images that will then appear on the public facing calendar.
- Display Canceled Events on the Calendar (new): Admins will have the ability to choose if they would like to Display Canceled events on the Calendar. There is a total of four options: NO, Public Calendars, Internal Calendars, or All Calendars.
Public Calendar Filter Settings
The Following Options will allow District Admins to decide what Filters are available to Users on the Public facing Calendar. YES will enable the filter to be available to the User. NO will hide the filter.
Note: Default Public Display will control how the Public View is displayed by default. The options are List view and the normal Monthly Calendar.
List of Public Calendar Filters.
- Default Public Display View
Disable Calendar Buttons
- This will allow customers to hide the subscribe and new request buttons on the public calendars that can be embedded.
- Show Classification Filter
- Show Group Filter
- Show Status Filter
- Show Event Type Filter.
- Show Field Filter
District Default Settings
The Public Facing calendar display settings can be adjusted by selecting Show or Hide in the Show Event Details to Public dropdown. If you choose to show the details then the event will show on the Public Facing calendar. If you choose to Hide the details, then these events will not show on the Public Facing calendar.
Note: If you select Hide, the Requesters who select the By Specific Space (Calendar View) request type will see the Spaces blocked off however they will only show as unavailable and will not display the event details.
Events Visibility Settings
Ranking visibility settings will determine which item takes priority over another. If an item is ranked above another item, the higher item will take precedence over the other. You can adjust the Visibility Settings for each Group, Site, Space, and Classification. Each item will have a drop-down setting that can be set to Yes, No, or Defer.
For Example: Each of these options has 'Defer' as the default, unless it is changed to yes or no.
If Yes, is selected it will show to the public.
If no is selected, it will be private.
If defer is selected it would go down to the next item and check that setting. So if the "District Groups" classification was set to defer, it would check the space of that event. If the space of that event was set to Defer, it would check the district setting which is set to show - So that event would show to the public.
Selecting the Update All Event's Visibility button will update these Ranking Visibility settings to the public for all past events.
Selecting the blue Show All Event Details button will update these settings to Show All Event Details to the public for all past and future events.
Selecting the Hide All Event Details button will update the settings to Hide All Event Details to the public for all past and future events.
Overview of Space Visibility Setting
Select Locations Manage Spaces and select the space that you would like to edit.
Overview of Site Visibility Setting
Select Locations Manage Sites and select the space that you would like to edit.
Overview of Group Visibility Setting
Select Users Manage Groups and select the space that you would like to edit.
Overview of Manage Classification Visibility Setting
Select Settings Setup Items Manage Classifications and select the space that you would like to edit.
Defer - Selecting "Defer" will look at the next item listed on the Visibility Ranking to decide if it will Show or Hide the event details.
Yes - Selecting "Yes" will show Event Details Specific to the Group, Site, Space, or Classification that you are editing.
No - Selecting "No" will Hide Event Details Specific to the Group, Site, Space, or Classification that you are editing.
The Public Display Settings will also provide URL links to be embedded for different public facing views (calendar, dated list view, etc.).
Event Type is an optional parameter that can be added to the RSS feed as well:
- type=#” where # is the EventTypeId
You can do a comma seperated value for multiple event types.
Example 1,2
- Space= SP
- Site = SI
Note: If you need any further assistance in regards to the Public Display Settings, please reach out to our support portal by logging a ticket at: https://support.mlschedules.com/hc/en-us/requests/new
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