Users with the "Add Calendar Information" permission can now add general information to the calendar such as letter days, the first day of school, lunch menus, holidays, etc.
Note: When information is added to the Calendar, it will not block out the locations from being used. If facility rentals should be blocked, you will want to use the Manage Blocked Dates section instead.
1. Select the New Request button at the top right of the page.
2. Select the Add Information option.
3. Fill out the Calendar Information Details.
- Date - The start date of the Event Information
- Time - Enter the Start and End Time or select the "All Day Event" checkbox
- Site - Select the Site where you would like the Information to be displayed
- Space - Select the Space where you would like the Information to be displayed
- Standard Recurrence - Daily, Weekly, Monthly, Yearly, etc.
- Custom Recurrence - Selecting this option will populate a Calendar where multiple dates can be selected
- Show to Public - Checking this checkbox will allow the Information to be displayed on the Public Calendar
- Title (Event Name) - Name of the Information (example Below)
- Additional Information - Additional details can be added when viewing the Event Information page. Users are able to enter links and images within this section that will be viewed on the calendar.
- Event Type - You can link the information to an Event Type if applicable.
- Users to Notify - Choose who you would like to notify regarding this calendar information. This appears when adding a new calendar info and editing an existing one.
4. Select the Add at the bottom of the modal.
Example of the Event Information page.
Giving this permission to a User
In order for a User to be able to add information to the Calendar, they will need the "Add Calendar Information" permission.
1. Select Users > Manage Users
2. Select the Pencil Icon next to the User
3. Select the Roles tab.
4. Select Add Role.
5. Select "Add Calendar Information" as a Role.
6. Select a Site, and select the checkmark to the right to save it.
7. Select Save.
Deleting Calendar Information
1. Select Admin > Add Information to Calendar
2. Locate the entry and select the X icon to the right to delete it
3. Click YES to confirm
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