We have made some adjustments to the Public Calendar. This will display for all Internal Users and External as well. We have added the same filtering options available inside the system. The filtering options will be customizable by the District Admins.
New Public Display options.
1. Select the Filter icon to select your desired filters.
Available drop-down menus to filter your search results include:
Space Type
2. Date filters are also available as buttons to further refine your search.
Note: The List-View will have the same filtering options
3. There is also an Advanced Calendar Display setting, which will allow you to enable a Compact View of the Calendar. These settings can be adjusted by selecting the gear icon.
Enabling the Compact Calendar View will show a "+ more" link instead of listing out every event for each day. Selecting the "+ more" link will show you a quick view of all the events for that day.
Subscribe to the Calendar.
Once you have set your filters, you can subscribe to that specific Calendar.
1. Select the Subscribe option at the top right of the screen.
2. Copy the corresponding URL.
3. Select the Google Calendar, Outlook, or Mac iCalendar option.
Note: The iCal will include Blocked Dates and Calendar Information.
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