ML Schedules™ Software allows images to be uploaded to individual Space settings.
This allows users to see the layout/picture of the facility before requesting.
To set this feature up in ML Schedules™, you will take the following steps:
1. Select Locations > Manage Spaces from the main menu bar.
2. Select Actions > Add Space to add a photo to a new Space or the Edit Icon () to add a photo to an existing Space.
3. In the Images section, select the black dropdown arrow to display the Choose Files button.
4. Select the Choose Files button to select the image(s), you would like to upload.
Note: To select multiple photos, select the "Ctrl" or "Apple" key as you select your image files.
5. Select the Save button, to save your image(s).
Users will now be able to View Photos from the Confirm your Request screen
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