The ML Schedules menu has been updated and has moved from the top of the page to the left side of the page. Users are able to expand or collapse this menu by selecting the arrow at the top of the menu. The expanded view will include the menu names while the collapsed view will simply show the menu icons.
Menu Items Overview
The Home menu option will bring you to the ML Schedules homepage that displays the available request types and allows you to make requests.
The Calendar menu option will bring you to the Calendar Report of all district facility requests.
- Submit New Request: Takes you to the homepage where you can submit a new facility request.
- Mass Cancel Events: Takes you to the Mass Cancel page.
- Manage Athletics: Takes you to the Manage Athletics page.
- Availability: Takes you to the Availability search page
- My Requests: Takes you to the management page of all requests you have submitted.
- Awaiting My Approval: Displays all requests awaiting your approval (Space Approver)
- View All Requests: Displays all facility requests
- All Pending Requests: Displays ALL Pending requests (for ALL users.)
- Upcoming Events: Displays all upcoming events.
- Future Conflicts: Displays all future conflicts.
- Awaiting Payment: Displays all requests that are awaiting payment
- Manage Users: Takes you to the User role management page.
- Manage Groups: Takes you to the Group Management page.
- Manage Classifications: Takes you to the Classifications management page.
- Manage Roles: Takes you to the Roles management page.
- Manage Additional Group Files: Takes you to the Group Files page to add additional file fields.
- User Bulk Email: Takes you to the Bulk Email page
- Manage Sites: Takes you to the Site management page.
- Manage Spaces: Takes you to the Space management page.
- Manage Space Types: Takes you to the Manage Space Types page
- Manage Approval Paths: Takes you to the Approval Path management page where you can create and edit approval paths
- My Invoices: Display all invoices assigned to you
- Open Invoices: Display all open invoices in the system
- Past Due Invoices: Display all invoices that are past due
- Paid Invoices: Display all invoices that have been marked paid
- Voided Invoices: Display all invoices that have been voided
- Draft Invoices: Display all invoices that in draft status
- All Invoices: Display all invoices with all statuses
- Bulk Invoicing: Takes you to the Bulk Invoicing page.
- Invoicing Setup: Takes you to setup page for Invoicing
- View All Payments: Displays the Revenue Report, all payments recorded for a given time period
- Receive Payment: Takes you to the Receive Payment page to record payments
- Summary Report
- Detail Report
- Revenue Report
- Group Balance Report
- Space Rate Report
- Grid Report
- Calendar Report
- One Page Per Event Report
- Summary Dashboard
- Payments Dashboard
- Invoices Dashboard
- Add Calendar Information: Takes you to the Calendar Information page.
- Manage Blocked Dates: Takes you to the Manage Blocked Dates page.
- Manage Event Types: Takes you to the Event Type page to add and edit event types.
- Manage Fields: Takes you to the page to add and edit custom fields for use on request forms.
- Manage Budget Codes: Takes you to the page to add and edit budget codes.
- Manage Additional Charges: Takes you to the page to add and edit additional charges to be used on request forms
- Recalculate Event Fees: Takes you to the Recalculate All Event Fees page.
- Email History: Takes you to the page that logs the emails that are sent from the system.
- Event Delete History: Takes you to the Reservation Archive where you can view deleted events.
- Link MLW Spaces: Takes you to the page where you can link spaces between ML Schedules and ML Work Orders
- Import: Takes you to the data import page
- Single Sign On: Takes you to the pages where you can manage your ActiveDirectory and Google settings
- General Settings: Takes you to the page to manage your district's general information and system settings
- Public Display Settings: Public Calendar settings
- Integration Settings: Other system integration settings
- Contract Setup: Contract settings
- View Support Portal: Links to our knowledge base and customer support ticket system
- Contact Administrator: Contact information for the district's ML Schedules Admin
- Submit a New Idea: Links to our new idea portal for customers to submit new product ideas
- Recent Releases: Links to articles that outline our recent feature releases
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